You may manage your Membership at any time by logging into our website and clicking on "Manage Your Membership". You can also visit this link while logged in to your account.
If you cancel within the grace period, we will refund your full Membership fee. The grace period varies depending on your membership plan:
Flaviar Black Annual Plan: 14-days
Legacy Membership Plans: 72h
We may charge you (or withhold from your refund) the value of benefits you used during this period. Any product incentives to join the club are non-returnable and will be deducted from the refund.
Cancelation requests after the grace period will result in Membership renewal prevention: membership status remains unaltered until the end of the prepaid period. You can pause your Membership or prevent it from renewing at any time by visiting the Membership page or by contacting our Membership team at [email protected].
⚠️ Please note that immediate membership cancelation will revoke your access to the Club and any associated perks and benefits, including previously unclaimed tokens if applicable. ⚠️
Tokens must be used to claim spirits prior to your membership cancelation.